The superior performance of palletized filter sock has many local, state and federal agencies reconsidering traditional erosion control and stormwater BMP methods. That's why, at Site Tech, we specialize in installing palletized filter sock throughout West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Palletized filter socks offer a reliable and superior alternative to silt fence and other BMPs. This emerging technology reduces the costs associated with traditional methods and the pricey maintenance of silt fence. In the Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale territories, for example, palletized filter sock is being installed on drilling pads, access roads and pipelines as a way to meet the demands of the sensitive mountainous terrain.
This new technology offers a faster, more economical and more flexible erosion control method at your jobsite, and leads the industry in safe, environmentally conscious products. Contact Site Tech today for more information about our state-of-the-art palletized filter sock services.